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Filter positions and companies

How to use filters for positions and companies

There are over 3400 active positions on cord. You'll find the most relevant positions for you (based on your profile) on the homepage. To ensure you don't miss any role, use the search feature to actively find interesting positions and companies.

Search either by using 1) filters or 2) keywords or 3) a combination of both


1) Filters

Filters allow you to refine your search more than keywords. The more parameters you add, the more refined your search will be.

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2) Keywords

Search for job title, skill, seniority or companies.

e.g. For a DevOps Engineer position with AWS, search ''DevOps Engineer'' then ''AWS''.

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3) Filters and keywords

Use both filters and keywords to create a granular search.

e.g. For a DevOps Engineer position with AWS in London and within the Analytics industry , search ''DevOps Engineer'' then ''AWS'' for keywords, and “London” (location) then “Remote” (remote working)

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