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LinkedIn URL sign up

Sign up faster with a LinkedIn URL

Key changes


One of the painful experiences of using a job site is creating your profile. Long forms, manual CV data tranfering etc. We strive to make creating a profile on cord the fastest, and smoothest signup experience out there.

To achieve this, cord build’s profiles for our users using either CV or LinkedIn information. For the LinkedIn option, we were previously using LinkedIn open authorisation (OAuth), which meant users logged into their LinkedIn to authenticate.

However, the information returned to the profile-building team from LinkedIn Oath was only the First Name and Last Name, resulting in slower build times and (very) occasionally inaccurate profile builds.


A simple change.

Now, when a person chooses to sign up using their LinkedIn, they'll see a pop-up enabling them to simply copy and paste their LinkedIn profile URL. The profile builders will then be able to find the profile instantly by opening the link (accessible on the engineer profile on the admin console) and then build the engineer's cord profile as usual.

What next?

Whilst building profiles for people speed up the process for our users, we recognise that some people want more control over how their profile is built. The next phase of this project is to give people using cord the ability to build their own profile from the start. Stay tuned!

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