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Order your skills successfully

How to best order your skills

Hiring managers build searches around core skills. There's a right way to present your experience to make sure relevant hiring managers can find and message you.


Here's how to do it:


Software Developers

  • Put your main languages and frameworks in core skills. Use other skills for other languages and frameworks you use less, databases you work with or the cloud provider you deploy to.

Data Scientists

  • Put your core Data Science skills in core: programming language, field of AI, libraries. Put the technologies and tools you use but are less familiar with in other.

Mobile Engineers

  • Put your core Mobile Dev skills in core: operating system & programming languages. Use other to show your breadth of experience and the skills you use but are perhaps less familiar with.

DevOps Engineers

  • Put your core DevOps toolkit in core. It depends on what you specialise in - could be anything from cloud provider to configuration tool to scripting language. Use other for technologies and tools you use but are less familiar with.


  • Put your automation tools first, then the languages you use. Use other for spillover or for more general types of testing (integration, regression, functional etc).

Data Engineers

  • Show off your Data Engineering tools and best programming languages in core. Use other for databases, data analysis tools, operating systems or data packages.

Data Analysts

  • Show off your Data Analysis tools and best programming languages in core. Use other for those you don't use as often.


  • If you favour a particular design tool (Marvel, Sketch, Adobe Creative Suite, etc) put it in core. You can use UI/UX (if you've done both) to show you understand the full design lifecycle. Use other for broader approaches like Wireframing, Prototyping, Typography, Graphic Design, or other design tools you like to use.

Product Managers

  • Likely you manage agile products. Put both those skills in core. Support that in other with: the types of product you've worked on (B2B, B2C); whether you're focused on data (Data Driven, Data Analysis); or design side (UI/UX, User Flows); or user-centric (User Focused, User Personas).

Leadership roles

  • Hiring managers are looking for people to manage their technical teams, so put the technologies you have used or have experience managing into core. If you've built teams, managed projects and products, put them in other.
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